Parasite Cleanse Product Buyer’s Guide (updated March 2025)

Product Comparison

Approved Science Parastrin
NutraCraft Paracel
Gaia Herbs Microbiome Cleanse
Michael’s Health Paraherbs
Contains Black Walnut & Wormwood To Eliminate Parasites
Contains Garlic For Antiparasitic Properties
Contains Papain For Breaking Down Parasites
Contains Triphala for Improving Digestion
Includes BioPerine® (Piperine) For Faster Results
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee


Parasite Cleanse Report


Rating: Excellent


Money-Back Guarantee
Consumer Feedback
Company Reputation

Editor’s Choice


If you are looking for a natural remedy to help you eliminate parasites for good, then Parastrin is something that deserves your undivided attention. Of all the parasite cleansing supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look.

It contains the highest-quality clinically-proven ingredients for getting rid of parasites as well as promoting a healthy, balanced gut. This was the only product we found that contains all of the key ingredients we recommend, including black walnut, sweet wormwood, and papain. Moreover, it also contains BioPerine® to enhance bioavailability and speed up results. It does not contain any additives or preservatives and is safe to use as long as you don’t take it long-term.

Quality: Parastrin contains natural, high-grade, clinically-verified ingredients that are GMP certified.

Reputation: Approved Science’s reputation is top notch. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.

Money-Back Guarantee: Every item sold is supported by a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.

What’s more, they are well known in the industry and an established company that provides great customer support, secure and easy checkout, as well as prompt, efficient delivery.

Their commitment to the health industry and consumer is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA-registered laboratory.

If you are looking for a product that ticks all the boxes for an effective solution to parasites, from an established reputable company with an excellent money-back guarantee, this is the supplement for you.

It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Parastrin is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.

See The Full Review


Rating: Good



NutraCraft Paracel

NutraCraft Paracel is a natural herbal formula to cleanse and detox the intestines. It is non-GMO, purity tested for safety, and manufactured in the USA in an FDA-approved and cGMP-certified facility. It contains key ingredients such as Black Walnut, Wormwood, and Garlic. 

When reviewing this product, we were pleased to see a price tag that suggests quality – not too cheap, but definitely affordable. We appreciated the fact they tried to include many quality ingredients. Unfortunately, we felt that they were simply lacking some key ingredients that are backed by scientific research, such as Triphala and Papain. We did find positive reviews for this product, but the manufacturer does not provide a satisfaction guarantee, which makes it impossible for you to get your money back if you are unhappy with your results. This also shows the manufacturer’s low confidence in the expected results.

Additionally, this product comes in a gelatin capsule from a bovine source, meaning it is not vegan. Since gelatin is not an active ingredient in the formula, there is no reason to include any animal by-products in it, so this was disappointing.  All in all, we were impressed by this product, but also felt it had a few points where it could improve.

Click here to read the full review


Rating: OK


Gaia Herbs Microbiome Cleanse

Gaia Herbs Microbiome Cleanse claims to balance the GI tract and support overall digestive health. The main ingredients in the product are Black Walnut, Sweet Wormwood, Oregano, and Peppermint. Black Walnut and Sweet Wormwood are both key ingredients for an effective parasite cleanse. Unfortunately, other than Peppermint, all the ingredients are found in a proprietary blend, which makes it impossible to discern how much of each ingredient is present in the formula. Additionally, this blend is only 438 mg, which is a relatively small amount in any case.

We were pleased to note that there is a money-back guarantee for this product, but it is important to note that it is only valid for 45 days, which is less than our top product’s 60-day guarantee. This Microbiome Cleanse can be taken for up to 6 weeks, so that doesn’t leave much time for returning the product if you wish to do so.

There were some positive reviews for this product on Amazon, which is good to see. However, other than Sweet Wormwood and Black Walnut, there weren’t any of the other key ingredients we recommend for an effective parasite cleanse, which probably means that this product is less effective than others in this list. Products work differently for everyone, and you should choose the product that feels right for you. Keep reading to see how this one stacks up.

Click here to read the full review

What You’ll Discover:

Which parasite cleanse product is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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