This review examines a product called Microbiome Cleanse by Gaia Herbs. This product claims to balance the GI tract and support overall digestive health. But can you count on the ingredients in this formula to follow through on these claims? We set out to analyze this product to find out what you can expect from it.
The main ingredients in the product are Black Walnut, Sweet Wormwood, Oregano, and Peppermint. Other than Peppermint, all the ingredients are found in a proprietary blend, which makes it impossible to discern how much of each ingredient is present in the formula. However, this blend is only 438 mg, which is a relatively small amount in any case.
Now let’s break down the ingredients themselves. The first are Black Walnut and Sweet Wormwood, which are both key ingredients for an effective parasite cleanse. Black Walnut can help expel various kinds of worms and parasites that live in the intestines, while Sweet Wormwood contains artemisinins, which were shown to be effective in the treatment of certain parasites.
Unfortunately, none of our other must-have ingredients made it into this formula. We did like that it included Peppermint, which is generally good for gut health and has some antiparasitic properties, but we would have also liked to see Garlic, Barberry extract, and Pumpkin Seed extract.
Additionally, there is no BioPerine® in this formula. It is unfortunate that many products do not include this bioavailability-enhancing ingredient for optimizing results.
We were pleased to note that there is a money-back guarantee for this product, but it is important to note that it is only valid for 45 days, which is less than our top product’s 60-day guarantee. This Microbiome Cleanse can be taken for up to 6 weeks, so that doesn’t leave much time for returning the product if you wish to do so.
All in all, we feel that this is a good product that could be effective for eliminating parasites. We found mostly positive reviews for this product on Amazon. However, products work a bit differently for each person, which is why we just wish that the formula was a bit stronger and the satisfaction guarantee a bit longer, which would ensure customer satisfaction and boost our confidence that this is a worthwhile product.
This product is vegan and purity-tested. Because of the presence of Black Walnut in the formula, it is important to be careful about how long you take this product.
As with any new supplement or diet introduced into your daily life, we always advise talking to your healthcare professional about possible contraindications of any pre-existing medical conditions or medications that you are taking. Supplements work differently for everyone and the effects vary between individuals so it is always a good idea to run any health changes with a professional.
Gaia Herbs Microbiome Cleanse has some strong points going for it. It is vegan, purity-tested, manufactured in the USA, and comes with a satisfaction guarantee. It includes two key ingredients from our list, as well as some other ingredients that promote gut health. However, upon closer inspection, we did find this product lacking in a few regards, which is why it only made it to the third spot on this list.
Microbiome Cleanse did not contain important ingredients such as Garlic, Papain, and Barberry extract. We feel that a more comprehensive formula is the right approach for this type of cleanse, and this product just didn’t include enough ingredients with strong antiparasitic properties. We were pleased to see some positive customer reviews, but the money-back guarantee isn’t extensive enough to reassure us and guarantee that unsatisfied customers will be able to return their product.
We liked this product enough to include it in our list, but not enough for it to make the top spot. But of course, you may decide that this is the product for you. If not, feel free to check out one of our other top choices.